Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Summer is well under way!

We have returned from Chincoteague and boy was it fun!!!
We stayed in a house with Tawnie, Karen and mom and all the kids. All total it was 10 people in the house. Luckily, most were under the age of 4 and they were not to much in the way :) We had a blast hanging out at the beach, going to the carnival and just being together. I think that this might be the last moms and kids Chincoteague vacation though because we don't want to do it without the men helping us out so that we can relax too :)
Here are a few pics from the vacation.

The Brothers at the Beach
The family with little ones you can never get the perfect picture there is always bound to be something wrong! The baby I am holding is Karen's new little one Aaron. He is such a sweet baby!
Why else to you go to Chincoteague? To ride the ponies, of course! The three little ones had fun riding and waiting to ride the pony.
Oh yeah! you also go to Chincoteague in July to go to the carnival!
This is The Mushroom. The kids rode it 3 or 4 times, I lost count. It is kinda like cups and saucers at Disney. There are more photos of Chincoteague at www.myspace.com/syndla if you want to see them.

Summertime fun!

A sunset swim