Sunday, April 30, 2006

Have you met the girls?
This is a photo of our kittens. The black one is Boost and the grey one is Turbo. You get it? Turbo is Ethan's cat and is an animal image of the boy, MISCHEIF! Boost is Ben's cat and again a mirror image of our older son, laid back, chill and loving. It is cool that their personalities match so well. We chose whose cat was whose before they even came to our house. They are both so patient with Ethan who always wants to hold them and love them. We couldn't have gotten better girls!! To top it all off they were rescued from Katrina which makes it all the sweeter to have them around. They are here to sty, even Ferdi is growing attached to them. Turbo LOVES Ferdi. She grooms him on a regular basis. :)

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

What a cute pair! They have such sweet little girl cat faces.