Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ethan knows that he won't be a real rock-n-roll star until he is potty trained but that doesn't seem to get in his way! He still likes to rock out any chance he gets! This is one of the last photos I have of him before his hair cut. He sure liked to rock the fro!

First real snow of the season! The boys had fun. It was to light and fluffy to do anything with though so running around and making snow angels was about all it was good for. Look for future posts with real snow fun!

Ethan and yogurt! This boy loves his yogurt! He would eat yogurt every day all day if we let him. He especially loves it with granola. Don't you dig his new haircut? He loves it! It is not a messy as it was before and it doesn't get in his way anymore.

Ethan tested Feb. 23rd for his orange stripe belt in Tae Kwon Do. This is a photo of Ethan and Master Jhoon. He was breaking a board with his foot. He did a great job and is continuing to enjoy T.K.D a lot~

Slowly, I learn. You must post photos in backwards order of how you want them to appear and if you want to type in between you need to post and type them next photo. If anyone knows a better way to do this let me know!
We are having another snow day but it only effected our church-going today. We have had another lazy day!
See y'all soon!


Christine said...

Snow?! Lucky cousins...

Can you post pictures of the new cousin when he is born? We heard that Karen is still hanging on. We are sending love from sunny CA!


Syn-D said...

I will post a photo of little Aaron as soon as he makes his debut. We are all so excited to have another little boy in the family! Elli is the only girl grandchild on our end and I think she will milk it for all it is worth!
Speaking of snow we are on another snow day today! What a year to start teaching!